Demo: Plumbing

It is now time to remove the old plumbing.

Here, the shower plumbing has been removed. Supply lines for the washing machine and garden hose spigot remain.
Toilet supply.
The view from below. Most of the house has already been replumbed; we've been waiting for this remodel to gain access to remove the remaining piping.
A closeup of the previous photo. You can see level of corrosion that exists on the old steel pipe. After fifty years, it's quite weak (I've snapped some sections of it apart using bare hands) and the flow is very poor due to internal corrosion; it's so blocked that if you look into one end of a pipe you cannot see light at the other end.
Here you see that the water supply piping has been removed.
Here Nicole has marked the locations of the new shower fittings.
Previous: Temporary Shower   |   Next: Plumbing Installation

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